Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Friday, February 27, 2009

6 Months, can you believe it?

Our little man made six months on 2/8/09. Oh gosh, here I go. He's the most amazing little guy. We both love him more then words could ever explain. Dan Michael has been the baby I have always dreamed of. He's a happy boy, that shares his smiles with strangers and loved ones. He's more then handsome to me, but I'm bias. I can't hardly stop all the bragging!

Dan Michael has two teeth at the bottom. I believe he is currently working on another one b/c he's had some fever and has been a wee bit fussy. He is now talking up a storm. When he wakes up in the morning he has lots to say. I'm not sure where he gets that from. ;) Believe it or not the other morning he said momma twice. I swear, Dan is my witness. My eyes got really big and I looked at Dan before I got excited and Dan said, yes he just said momma. I know, I know .. he has no clue that I'm his momma but it was still very exciting. He is not yet crawling but is making progress. He gets on his knees and rocks back and forth. I feel like he just can't figure out just what to do next. I'll keep you all posted on that. He's eats all the level 2 baby foods, doesn't turn anything away. I tried to give him the Gerber Puffs but he is not quite ready for that. He gags on them and spits them out. I will keep trying, haha.

Here are is 6 months numbers:

Weight: 18.05 lbs (50-75%)

Height: 26.5 (50%)

Head: 17.5 (50- 75%)

He's right where he should be, very average!

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