Lilypie Second Birthday tickers

Thursday, September 25, 2008


As you can see below, our little man is growing big and strong! He has chubby cheeks and his thighs are also filling out nicely. He still has his blue eyes, I'm keeping my fingers crossed they keep. My favorite thing is when he stretches. Every morning it brings a smile to my face to see him stretch. Enjoy!

6.5 week update

I'm not sure where to start. Everyday brings new things and I'm having a hard time keeping up. Let's see...

Dan Michael is now smiling. One day I was talking to him and he smiled and I teared up. You all know me, I'm no softy but this little guy has stolen my heart. He smiles more and more everyday, its so adorable.

Our sweet boy is now on formula and he his taking without any issues, so far. I'm done with the breastmilk. We have a good bit frozen so I give him a breastmilk bottle, then a Similac bottle. We will do that until all the breastmilk runs out. I also tried to upgrade him to a level 2 nipple, which gives him more flow and makes feeding time faster, not ready for that just yet. He spewed all over, YUCK. I had to get the mop out on this one.

Dan Michael is still very easy going. Bedtime is breeze. If you put him down on his belly he will go right to sleep. Well maybe he doesn't go right to sleep but he doesn't cry and I go right to sleep. We have caught him a handful of times sucking his thumb. I really don't want a thumb sucker b/c I hear its quite a hard habit to break, but what I am to do about it? Its precious to watch him trying to find his thumb too.

Well, as of last week I'm a working mother. I have a great job that enables me to spend the mornings with him, so it has not been a hard adjustment. Kudos, to the moms that work 8-5, that had to be torture going back. We spend the morning talking to each other, listening to music, going for walks, and napping together. We have a blast. When its time for me to go work he gets delivered to Aunt Ann. The first week was an adjustment but the two of them are starting to figure each other out. I think Dan Michael plays on Aunt Ann's heart, he likes for her to hold him so he gives a tough time until she gives in. I've advised her not to jump when he starts to cry b/c he will soon stop. This is week two for them and I think its all coming together. On Fridays Aunt Ann has the day off. Mr. Dan and Mrs. Patricia take that shift. They truly enjoy spending time with their first and only grandson.

That's all for now.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Recent Pictures

1 Month Check Up

Weight: 6.15, Height: 19.5, Head: ?
AGE: 5 weeks
Weight: 9.10 (50%) Height: 21.25 (25-50%) Head: 14.5 (25%)

Doctor Collins was very pleased with Dan Micheal progress and all of his measurements. Dan Michael is pretty average which is good. The baby is sleeping well. The night before this visit (9/12) he slept for a 5 hour span, and last night (9/16) he had a 6 hour span. AWESOME! Its only a matter of time and this little man may be sleeping throught the night. Also, our Big Boy sleep all by himself in his pak N play in our room. We decided that we had to stop him from sleeping in our bed, and we dreaded this task but it was a piece of cake. He didn't care one bit. I think I was more upset.
He's still very easy going. Loves bath time too. He likes to be held and is very curious these days. We are still not sure who he looks like. I think he must be a good mix of both Dan and I. I thnk that all for now, I have to go love on Dan Michael

Friday, September 5, 2008


Its been some time since I've taken time to write about our precious one, that we love so stinking much. So let me try to fill you in. He's just perfect. Dan Michael is a very easy going baby. If he is crying its b/c he is need of a diaper change or another feeding. This baby can eat. At 4 weeks, he sometimes takes as much as 5 ounces. Amazing, right. Dan and I do the "feed on demand" thing, whatever he wants or needs he gets. He takes his bottles cold, which amazes people. I don't think I knew any better from the get go, so that's what we did. (He is so awesome, and I am so proud. If you can't already tell.) He wakes up every 3-4 hours at night to eat. It doesn't bother me as much as it does Dan. Dan gets a bit frustrated at night. I find that as soon as he finishes his bottle he goes right back to sleep but Dan thinks otherwise. Yep, he's still on the breast milk. I pump and we give him bottles, this has really worked out for us. I'm guilty of letting Dan Michael sleep on my chest at night. I just can't help it, its so peaceful for both of us. Daddy-O fusses every night about it, and he's right Dan Michael needs to sleep in his own bed. Bath time, is a blast for the baby. He loves floating in the water and he has not once put up a fight about water in his face or rinsing his hair. I bathe him in the tub with me, while Dan handles the hand off and the drying. I guess I really can't brag much more, its getting out of control. I will keep you all posted as we make more progress and try new things.

Lets see what else...

About me. I love being a Mommy more then I ever expected. I never knew I would be able to love my child this much! I love to snuggle with him and I never want to put him down. So when people talk about Dan Michael being a baby that needs to be held, you can point the finger at me for that. I love to take him for walks in City Park. He knocks out, but we still have a good time. I know I'm going to spoil him, I just cannot help it. I look forward to seeing him grow and I'm a bit sadden by the fact that its already happening.

About Dan. He's a great Daddy. He adjusting every day. I find that things don't come as easy for him, but I think its his lack of patience. He loves Dan Michael very much and I think he looks forward to him getting just a little bit bigger. I think the baby resembles Dan but has my temperament. I hope it stays that way.

That's it for now. We will keep you posted!

Happy 4 Weeks Squeaks!