Sand Destin 2009 was a great trip. This year we rented a 5 bedroom house right on the beach. There were the usual suspects, Paul, Ann, Patrick, Colin, Chris, Jess, Layla, Micah, Dan, Me, and Dan Michael. Then we had so guests that rotated in through the week, Bill, Erin and Zack Schultz, Aunt Kathy, Lizzy, and Famous Amos. Our late nights were accompanied by many The Archer Family, The Landry Family, The Charbonnet's and others. We had loads of fun and created many memories.
Dan Michael was a trooper. He did fairly well on the ride up with the help of Amy and a DVD player. Once there he was great. He loved, loved, loved the beach. We pitched a large tent in the mornings and put everything he could ever need under it. We had a pool, his chair for lunch and snacks, we had toys, we had plenty of food and snacks for our hungry man. Dan Michael was referred to as the Sea Turtle as fast as he was placed down on the sand he crawled straight to the water. He spent the whole day on the beach, morning to evening. We were blessed that he enjoyed so much